材科学与工程学院学术报告——3-D Li-ion Batteries Based on Ultarafine Metal Mesh

作 者:余玲发布时间:2018-09-11浏览次数:156

题目:3-D Li-ion Batteries Based on Ultarafine Metal Mesh

主讲:Tuqiang Chen, Ph. D.





Dr. Chen received his B.S. and M.S. degrees both in Fine Chem. Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, P. R. China in 1982 and 1987, respectively.  He received his Ph. D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of New Mexico (UNM) in 1995.  He joined TPL, Inc. in February 1998 after his postdoctoral research with Dr. R. T. Paine in the Chemistry Department of the University of New Mexico.  After 9 years with TPL, Inc. as principal investigator and program manager, he left TPL and founded TH Chem, Inc. in 2007. He has been an Adjunct Scientist at US NASA-GSFC since 2008. He has been serving as PIs in many US federal R&D programs, including NSF, NASA, DoE, and DoD SBIR/STTR programs and in some state-sponsored programs in New Mexico. Most of the projects are conducted in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the University of New Mexico (UNM), and New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. His research areas include preparation and characterization of nanocomposites for Li-ion and supercapacitor applications, 3-D Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors, and solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) synthesis and characterizations.

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