
作 者:余玲发布时间:2017-10-26浏览次数:327

题目:Recent researches in Japan how to estimate and extend the residuallife of structural components under high temperatures

主讲:Ken-ichi Kobayashi教授



内容:Major topic of this talk is to show a new simple method using verysmall sample specimens that can measure and evaluate the damage level ofhigh temperature components.After great seismic tsunami hit the north-east coast of Japan islandsin 2011, catastrophic damages occurred for Fukushima nuclear power plants.Since all nuclear plants operated in Japan were stopped to generateelectricity till these plants were proved to be safe, old suspended fossilpower plants restarted to provide sufficient electricity for the industryand daily life. However, there has not been any guideline and/or standard code ofpractice how to decide the integrity of those aged power plants. Thepresenter developed a new semi-destructive testing technique to evaluate thedamage level of creep for aged components. The most distinguishing featureof this method is to employ a very small volume of specimen. Its volume rateis very small; 1/300 comparing withconventional standard creep specimens.This methodology can make inspected aged components reuse after some repairor easy compensation if the target component was concluded to be integrity.



Ken-ichi Kobayashi

   Mar.1976 Bachelor of Engineering., Shinshu University, Japan

   Mar.1978 Master of Eng., Chiba University, Japan

   Apr.1978 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Chiba Univ.

  Spt.1988 Ph. D., University of Tokyo, Japan

     Oct.1988-Aug.1989 Visiting Research Fellow in University CollegeSwansea, UK, and in MPA Stuttgart, West Germany

      Jun.1998 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Eng., Dept. of Mech.Eng., Chiba Univ.

      Jul.2003-May 2004 Visiting Research Fellow in Imperial College Londonand in University of Wales Swansea, UK

     Oct.2013 Professor, Graduate School of Eng., Dept. of Mech. Eng.,Chiba Univ.

     Apr.2016-2017 Head of Dept. of Mech. Eng., Chiba Univ.

   He has mainly studied the mechanical properties of materials that wereemployed in creep regimes. His PhD thesis was “Estimation of elastic follow-up behavior and itsevaluation method for high temperature design”. Constitutive equation of creep that included tertiary stage has beendeveloped, and was applied to solve some issues in elevated temperaturedesign. He also performed creep crack growth tests to establish its code ofpractice collaborating with international research members. Recently he is interested in creep damaged and residual life of creepfor aged components, and develop new testing methodology.

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