学术报告——Synthesis and Conductivity Improvement of Anti-Perovskite Na3OX Solid Electrolytes

作 者:发布时间:2023-09-04浏览次数:115

报 告 人:赵新为   教授、博士生导师

报告时间20239714:00 -16:00




 赵新为,教授,博导。日本东京理科大学教授,天津市特聘讲座教授,东南大学特聘教授。1982年天津大学电子工程系半导体物理与器件专业毕业,同年作为清华大学代招国家首批出国研究生,在东北师范大学留学生预备学校学习日语后赴日留学。1985年获日本东京大学电子工学硕士学位,1988年获日本东京大学电子工学博士学位。现任日本东京理科大学理学部物理学科教授、博导,专业领域为半导体纳米材料与器件、半导体光电、新能源与太阳能电池。在国际重要期刊上已发表论文200余篇,著有《低维量子器件物理》等12部专著。纳米硅半导体材料领域的开拓者之一,多家专业杂志的编委或审稿人,国际学会组委、论文分会负责人,同时担任教育部长江学者评审专家、教育部春晖计划支援西部活动代表。 并担任海口市高级顾问、天津工商联高级顾问、天津市和广东省海外交流协会理事,天津中环半导体集团公司高新技术顾问。日本物理学会、应用物理学会、美国材料学会,中国物理学会等会员。爱好文学、旅行与音乐,偶尔写写格律诗、俳句和散文。


Solid electrolytes for all solid sodium-ion batteries have been attracting much attention as an alternative energy storage system, which have the advantage of being extremely safe because it can be charged quickly and is nonflammable. We have synthesized anti-perovskite type Na3OX (X= Br, and I) electrolytes with high purity. It was confirmed that a large crystal strain was introduced by eutectication, which might reduce the activation energy of Na ion conduction and lead to an improvement of the conductivity. A relatively higher ionic conductivity of σ=1.55×107 S/cm at 60 has been obtained for Na3OBr0.6I0.4, which is about three orders higher than that in literature. A different ratio of X (X= Br, I) ions was added into sodium oxide to make the Na3OX crystal.  The doping of S exhibits extremely reduction of activation energywhich optimizes the bottleneck and improves the conductivity to 0.12 Scm at 130°C.

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