

四川泸州人,中共党员。澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学博士。四川省海外高层次留学人才。Ocean Engineering, Corrosion 等国际SCI期刊审稿人。《中国钨业》青年编委,《粉末冶金工业》青年编委。主要从事金属材料的腐蚀行为及服役性能、粉末冶金、硬质合金、聚变堆用高性能材料的研究。


2021.06 - 至今:350VIP浦京集团,讲师
2019.03 - 2019.09:The University of Newcastle,助教
2014.07.07-2015.04.24: 纬创资通(成都)有限公司 机构研发部 工程师


2015.09-2019.09:University of Newcastle, Civil Engineering


(1) 金属材料腐蚀行为及服役性能;

(2) 粉末冶金材料

(3) 核聚变高性能材料



1. 添加纳米Al2O3颗粒的轻质高强铝基复合材料的制备与耐腐蚀性能研究,2022-01-012024-12-3115万,主持

2. 海水电解制氢系统防腐工程材料研究,2023-01-012023-12-3115万,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,掺钾钨块材中钾泡形态调控与聚变高热负荷工况下演化的机理研究,2023-01-012026-12-31,55万元,主研;

4. 四川省科技创新人才项目,固溶与钾泡强化协同提升钨基面向等离子体材料性能的研究, 2022-012023-12,30万元主研;

5. 四川省中央引导地方科技发展专项项目掺钾钨的强流氦等离子体辐照损伤行为及其影响机制的研究, 2022-092023-08,40万元,主研;

6. 四川省科技厅重大项目,多晶硅行业用硬密封球阀表面涂层制备关键技术研究与应用2023-01-01至2024-12-31

7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,重离子辐照诱发Al2O3弥散强化铜合金的微观缺陷及其对水腐蚀行为的影响研究, 2024-01-01至2026-12-31,30万,主持



1.   M. Liang, B. Yan, J. Song, S. Dai, P. Ren, Y. Lian, F. Feng, J. Wang, X. Liu, W. Wan. Microstructure evolution and properties of hot rolling K-doped tungsten sheets, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 120(2024):106594.

2.   M. Liang, S. Dai, J. Song, B. Yan, Y. Lian, F. Feng, X. Liu, P. RenSuperior strength-ductility synergy of high potassium-doped tungsten rods with large swaging deformationInternational Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 114(2023):106247.

3.   M. Liang, S. Dai, J. Song, B. Yan, X. Jiang, Y. Lian, F. Feng, X. Liu. Evolution of potassium bubbles and its influences on the recrystallization behaviour of swaged tungsten rods with high potassium doping level. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 111(2023)106117.

4.     M. Liang, R. Melchers,Two Years Pitting Corrosion of AA5005-H34 Aluminium Alloy Immersed in Natural Seawater: Morphology CharacterisationCorrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 55 (2020) 696-707.

5.   M. Liang, R. Melchers, Two Years Pitting Corrosion of AA5005-H34 Aluminium Alloy Immersed in Natural Seawater: Data Interpretation, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology56 (2020) 129-136.

6.   M. Liang, R. Melchers, I. Chaves, Corrosion and pitting of 6060 series aluminium after 2 years exposure in seawater splash, tidal and immersion zones, Corrosion Science, 140 (2018) 286-296.

7.     M. Liang, R. Melchers, I. Chaves, Complex Pitting Corrosion in Long-Term Immersed Exposures of 6060 Aluminum Alloys in Temperate Natural Seawater, Corrosion, 74 (2018) 1272-1287.

8.   M. Liang, W. Wan, Z. Guo, J. Xiong, et.al. Erosion-corrosion behavior of Ti(C,N)-based cermets with different TiN content. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 43(2014)322-328.

9.     M. Liang, J. Xiong, Z. Guo, W. Wan, G. Dong. The influence of TiN content on erosion-corrosion behavior of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 41(2013)210-215. 

10.   陈李倩,梁孟霞,林冰,唐鋆磊,万维财,李玉和. 钛合金的局部腐蚀类型及防护措施,《粉末冶金工业》, 2024

11. 代少伟,梁孟霞,颜彬游,蒋香草,宋久鹏,练友运,刘翔. 变形量对纯钨热导率及再结晶温度的影响,《中国钨业》, 2022,37(3),72-78.

12.   廖舟,梁孟霞,董广彪. Mo2C 对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷冲刷腐蚀性能的影响. 《热加工工艺》,2014, 43(12),79-82.

13.  Weicai Wan, QiGuo Zhou, Mengxia Liang, Pen Wang, Chengjie Rao, Siyuan Ji, Kunyang Fan, Jiupeng Song,Study on the high temperature wear behavior of TiAlSiN coatings deposited on WC-TaC-Co cemented carbides, Tribology, 2024 (In press)

14. J. Shi, J. Song, M. Liang, Y. Lian, J. Wang, F. Feng, X. Liu. Effects of minor rhenium additions on the thermal  properties and recrystallization temperature of tungsten alloy, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 38 (2024) 101609.

15. W. Wan, J. Wang, M. Liang, K. Fan, Z. Wang, Y. Li. Fracture behaviors of Ti(C, N)-based cermets with different   contents of metal binder. Ceramics International. 48(2022)32399-32408.

16.   W. Wan, J. Xiong, M. Liang. Effects of secondary carbides on the microstructure, mechanical properties and erosive wear of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. Ceramics International. 43(2017)944-952.

17.  J. Tang, J. Xiong, Z. Guo, T. Yang, M. Liang, W. Yang, J. Liu, Q. Zheng. Microstructure and properties of CVD coated on gradient cemented carbide with different WC grain size. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 61(2016)128-135.

18. W. Wan, J. Xiong, Y. Li, Q. Tang, M. Liang. Erosion-corrosion behavior of Ti(C,N)-based cermets containing different secondary carbides. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 66(2017)180-187.

19. Z. Guo, H. Zhong, M. Yang, J. Xiong, W. Wan, M. Liang. Microstructure and properties of the Ti(C,N)–xMo2C–Ni cermet/steel joint by a novel diffusion bonding method. Materials Characterization. 99(2015)92-100.

20. Z. Guo, H. Zhong, M. yang, J. Xiong, W. Wan, M. liang. Autogeneous pressure-assisted interlayer-free diffusion bonding of Ti(C,N)-based cermet and steel. Materials Letters. 135(2014)27-30.

21. X. Li, J. Liu, J.Xiong, L. Yang, Q. Gou, X. Song, Z. Guo, T. Hua, M. LiangWear and corrosion resistant Mn-doped austenitic cast iron prepared by powder metallurgy method. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9(2020)6376-6385.



  1.     M. Liang, R. Melchers, Characterisation for pitting corrosion of AA5005-H34 aluminium alloy in tap water immersion environment, in Corrosion and Prevention 2019, Australia Corrosion Association, Melbourne, 2019, pp. 1-10.

  2.     M. Liang, R. Melchers, I. Chaves, Pitting corrosion of 5005 aluminium alloys in the temperate seawater immersion environment, in: Corrosion and Prevention 2018, Australia Corrosion Association, Adelaide, 2018, pp. 1-10.

  3.     M. Liang, I. Chaves, R. Melchers, Long-term marine pitting corrosion of AlMgSi aluminium alloys, in Corrosion and Prevention 2017, Australia Corrosion Association, Sydney, 2017, PP. 1-11.

  4.     M. Liang, I. Chaves, R. Melchers, Long-term pitting corrosion of 6060 aluminium alloy in natural seawater, in Corrosion and Prevention 2018, Australia Corrosion Association, Auckland, 2016, PP.1-11.


  1. 万维财;季思源;李玉和;梁孟霞.一种Zr/ZrTi/ZrTiMoN梯度复合涂层及其制备方法.专利号:ZL 2021 1 1253258.9;

  2. 万维财;季思源;李玉和;梁孟霞.用于高温合金加工的Cr/CrN/NbN/NbXN稀土超晶格涂层及其制备方法.专利号:ZL 2021 1 1370250.0;

  3. 万维财;彭卓豪;梁孟霞;李玉和;王鹏.一种金刚石/铜复合热导材料及其制备方法.专利号:ZL 2021 1 1533647.7;

  4. 宋久鹏,史巾搏,梁孟霞.一种具有高热导率和低温韧性的块体钨合金及其制备方法.专利号:ZL 2023 1 0733517.0.




1. 《3D打印原理及技术(双语)

2. 《材料科学基础

3. 《成型工艺及模具设计

4. 《材料成型CAD/CAE技术

5. 《材料成形原理


1. 《3D 打印原理及技术》课程的教改实践, 数码设计(电子版),2023,280-283.

2.  材料成型工艺及模具设计课程教学改革,科教导刊(电子版),2024,05


1. 四川省高等学校课程思政示范课程, 2022-04

2. 基于教育大数据的数字化设计课程群智慧课堂构建研究, 2023-02



    1. 2024.09 350VIP浦京集团材料学院“科研先进个人”

    2. 2024.09 材料学院首届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖

    3. 2023.12 第二届四川省显微摄影大赛“优秀指导教师”

    4. 2023.10 350VIP浦京集团第9届青年教师讲课比赛理科组优秀奖

    5. 2023.07 2023中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛-铸造工艺设计赛“优秀指导老师”

    6. 2022.07 2022中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛专业赛项-第十三届铸造工艺设计赛“优秀指导教师”



1. 350VIP浦京集团第九届青年教师讲课比赛(理工组)优胜奖(2023);

2. 350VIP浦京集团第八届“校友杯”创新创业大赛暨第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(专项赛道)银奖(2023);


4. 首届(2022)四川省电子显微摄影大赛 2 组本科生作品获优秀奖;

5. 第二届(2023)四川省电子显微摄影大赛 5 组本科生作品获三等奖,1 组本科生作品获优胜奖,获“优秀指导教师”。

6. “建行杯”四川省国际大学生创新大赛(产业命题赛道)银奖(2024);




