卞军,三级教授,博士,硕士研究生导师。2011年7月-2017年7月任材料学院材料工程系 系主任、材料工程系教工支部书记。 |
2015.07~2016.07 挂职江苏省高邮市经济开发区副主任,高邮市汤庄镇党委副书记,科技镇长团副团长;2012.03~2013.03 The University of Akron, School of Polymer Science and Engineering, Visiting Scholar(美国 阿克隆大学 高分子科学与工程学院 国家公派高级访问学者);2011.7~至今 担任350VIP浦京集团材料工程系 系主任,材料工程系教工支部书记;2009.7~至今 350VIP浦京集团材料学院 从事教学和科研工作;2001.7~2003.7 广东省湛江市事达实业有限公司工作,从事新产品研发和ISO质量管理体系建设、管理和认证工作 |
2006.9~2009.7 中山大学 材料物理与化学专业 工学博士2003.9~2006.7 海南大学 高分子复合材料专业 工学硕士1997.9~2001.7 海南大学 高分子材料专业 工学学士 |
[1] 功能高分子材料的计算机模拟、大分子设计、合成及应用 [2] 高强韧性高分子基纳米复合材料设计、制备及表/界面研究 [3] 高分子复合材料的结构与性能在复杂加工“热-力-电”场作用下的演变机制 [4]石墨烯/碳纳米管的合成、功能化改性及应用基础研究 [5] 导电、导热、介电高分子复合材料的合成、加工及应用 [6] 形状记忆高分子及其复合材料研究 [7] 气敏材料与器件的设计、加工及性能研究
参与中国高新技术发展863项目、国家973计划,国家自然科学青年基金、四川省科技厅项目、四川省教育厅项目和350VIP浦京集团等各类科研项目十余项,近期代表性科研项目有: [1]新型石墨插层聚合物导电纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究.350VIP浦京集团人才引进基金(Z0910109),2010.01至2012.01,项目负责人,已结题 [2]直接催化二氧化碳和甲醇合成碳酸二甲酯的高效催化剂基础研究.国家教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目(Z2010097),2011.06至2013.6,项目负责人,已结题 [3]高强耐热聚合物/石墨烯导电纳米复合材料的制备、聚集态控制及应用基础研究.四川省教育厅青年基金(11ZB005), 2012.01至2014.01,项目负责人,在研 [4]石墨烯纳米片的表面修饰及其与大分子的表界面作用机制.四川省高校重点实验室开放研究基金项目(SZjj2012-020), 2013.01至2014.12,项目负责人,在研 [5]石墨烯/碳纳米管协同增韧增强高性能聚合物基纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究.四川省高校重点实验室开放研究基金项目(szjj2014-054), 2014.06至2016.06,项目负责人,在研 [6]石墨烯/CNTs协同增韧增强高性能聚合物基纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究.国家级三创项目(201410623006),2014.03至2016.03,项目负责人,在研 [7]多维纳米杂化填料协同增强增韧聚丙烯的机理研究.四川省高校重点实验室开放研究基金项目(SZjj2015-086), 2015.06至2017.06,项目负责人,在研 [8]共混型形状记忆聚氨酯合金的制备及性能研究,四川省高校重点实验室开放研究基金项目(SZjj2015-088), 2015.06至2017.06,主研,在研 [9]350VIP浦京集团第一批“青年学者”培养计划专项基金,2014.04至2017.04,在研 [10]新型Al2O3-SiC-C炉衬材料研究及开发,企业委托项目,2016.01至2018.01,项目负责人,在研 [11]高强耐热氟硅橡胶密封材料研究及开发,企业委托项目,2016.01至2018.01,主研,在研 [12]共混型聚氨酯/石墨烯纳米复合材料的制备及形状记忆性能研究.四川省教育厅青年基金(17ZB0422), 2017.01至2018.12,主研,在研 [13]木纤维的综合利用及木塑复合材料研发.企业委托项目,2018.01至2019.12,项目负责人,在研
学术成果:在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文100余篇,被SCI收录50余篇,EI、CSCD收录40余篇。 代表性SCI收录论文: [1]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng.Direct synthesis of DMC from CH3OH and CO2 overV-doped Cu-Ni/AC Catalysts. Catalysis Communications, 2009. 10 (8): 1142-1145. Impact Factor: 3.674
[2]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng. Graphite Oxide as a Novel Host Material of Catalytically Active Cu-Ni Bimetallic Nanoparticles.Catalysis Communications, 2009. 10 (11): 1529-1533.Impact Factor: 3.674
[3]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng. Novel Application of Thermally Expanded Graphite as the Support of Catalysts for Direct Synthesis of DMC from CH3OH and CO2.Journal of Colloid andInterface Science,2009. 334 (1): 50-57.Impact Factor: 7.489
[4]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, X. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng.Highly effective synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide using a novel copper-nickel/graphite bimetallic nanocomposite catalyst.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009. 147 (2-3): 287-296.Impact Factor: 10.652
[5]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng. Carbon nanotubes supported Cu-Ni bimetallic catalysts and their properties for the direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide.Applied Surface Science, 2009. 255 (16): 7188-7196.Impact Factor: 6.182
[6]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng. Highly effective direct synthesis of DMC from CH3OH and CO2using novel Cu-Ni/C bimetallic composite catalysts.Chinese Chemical Letter,2009. 20 (3): 352-355.Impact Factor: 4.632
[7]J. Bian, M. Xiao, S. J. Wang, Y. X. Lu, Y. Z. Meng. Activated carbon supported Cu-Ni bimetallic catalyst for direct synthesis of DMC from CH3OH and CO2: Effect of pretreatment of activated carbon supports.Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment,2009. 13 (1): 66-80.Impact Factor: 0.636
[8] J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, Y. R. Jin, L. Wang, D. C. Luan, Z. P. Guan.Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate over Activated Carbon Supported Cu-based Catalysts.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010. 165:685-692.Impact Factor: 10.652
[9]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, L. Wang, Z. P. Guan.Graphene nanosheet as support of catalytically active metal particles in DMC synthesis. Chinese Chemical Letter,2011. 22 (1): 57-60.Impact Factor: 4.632
[10]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, S. J. Gong, H. Zhang, Z. P. Guan. Improving the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Poly(propylene carbonate) by Incorporating Functionalized Graphite Oxide.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 123 (5):2743–2752. Impact Factor: 2.520
[11]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, Y. R. Jin, L. Wang, Z. P. Guan. Preparation and characterization of nylon 11/thermally expanded graphite nanocomposites.Composite Science and Technology, 2011,Impact Factor: 7.094
[12]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, S. J. Gong, H. Zhang, Z. P. Guan. Preparation and Characterization of Modified Graphite Oxide/Poly(propylene carbonate) Composites by Solution Intercalation.Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011, 96 (10): 1833-1840.Impact Factor: 4.032
[13]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, S. J. Gong, H. Zhang, Z. P. Guan. Functionalized graphite oxide/poly(propylene carbonate) composites with excellent thermal and mechanical properties.Carbon,Impact Factor: 8.821
[14]J. Bian*, X. W. Wei, H. L. Lin,L. Wang, Z. P. Guan. Comparative study on the exfoliated expanded graphite nanosheet-PES composites prepared via different compounding method. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2012, 124 (5): 3547–3557.Impact Factor: 2.520
[15]Jun Bian*, Xiao Wei Wei, HaiLan Lin, I Ta Chang, Erol Sancaktar. PP/PP-g-MAH/layered expanded graphite oxide nanocomposites prepared via masterbatch process.Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012, 128 (1): 600-610.Impact Factor: 2.520
[16]Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, Xiao Wei Wei, I-Ta Chang, Erol Sancaktar. Fabrication of Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites: Effects of Filler on Morphology, Mechanical, Thermal and Conductive Properties. Compoistes Part A:Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2013, 47: 72-82.Impact Factor: 9.463
[17]Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, FeiXiong He, Ling Wang, Xiao Wei Wei, I-Ta Chang. Graphite Oxide Nanosheet as Efficient Substitute of Carbon Black in Fabrication of Natural Rubber Nanocomposites.Compoiste structures, 2012,Impact Factor: 5.138
[18]Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, FeiXiong He, Ling Wang, Xiao Wei Wei, I-Ta Chang, Erol Sancaktar. Processing and Assessment of High-Performance Poly (butylene terephthalate) Nanocomposites Reinforced with Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide Nanosheets.European Polymer Journal, 2013, 49 (6): 1406-1423.Impact Factor: 3.862
[19]Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, Gang Wang, Qiang Zhou, Zheng Jun Wang, Xing Zhou, Yun Lu. Morphological, Mechanical and thermal properties of Chemically Bonded Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites with Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Solution Intercalation.Polymers&Polymer Composites. 2016, 24 (2): 81-88.Impact Factor: 0.683
[20]Gang Wang,Bian Jun*, HaiLan Lin, Xin Zhou, ZhengJun Wang, WenQiang Xiao, XinWeiZhao. HDPE Composites Strengthened-toughened Synergistically by L-Aspartic Acid Functionalized Graphene/Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid Nanomaterials.Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017, 10(1):1427-1437.Impact Factor: 2.520
[21] Zheng Jun Wang,Bian Jun*, HaiLan Lin, Xing Zhou, Wen Qiang Xiao, Xin Wei Zhao.Thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene nanocomposites reinforced with nano-SiO2functionalized graphene oxide.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2017, 6 (97):120-127.Impact Factor: 9.463
[22] Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, FeiXiong He, Ling Wang, Xiao Wei Wei, I-Ta Chang, Yun Lu. Comparative Study on the Natural Rubber Nanocomposites Reinforced with Carbon Black Nanoparticles and Graphite Oxide Nanosheets.Polymer Composites, 2017, 38 (7) : 1427-1437.Impact Factor: 2.265
[23]Jun Bian*, HaiLan Lin, FeiXiong He, Xing Zhou, Zheng Jun Wang, Xin Wei Zhao. A Facile Approach to Selective Reduction and Functionalization of Graphene Oxide and its Application in Fabrication of Multifunctional Polypropylene Nanocomposites,Polymer Composites,2017, 9(38):E221-E228.Impact Factor: 2.265
[24] Xing Zhou, Wen Qiang Xiao, Zheng Jun Wang, Hai Lan Lin,Jun Bian*, Xin Wei Zhao. Morphology and Properties of Shape Memory Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composites Incorporating Graphene-Montmorillonite Hybrids.Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2018,135 (15): 46149.Impact Factor: 2.250
[25]Lin Chen, Hongcai Liu,Jun Bian*, Lei Yan, Yi Guo, Hong Lin, Hailan Lin, Sude Ma, Xinwei Zhao. Facile preparation and properties of polyvinylidene fluoride dielectric nanocomposites via phase morphology control and incorporation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes conductive fillers.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137 (11): 48463, DOI: 10.1002/APP.48463.Impact Factor: 2.250
[26]Lin Chen, Hong-Cai Liu, Huan Huang, Lei Yan, Yi Guo, Hai-Lan Lin,Jun Bian*, Yun Lu. Chemically Functionalized Multi-Walled CNTs Induced Phase Behaviors of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Nanocomposites and Its Dielectric Properties. Synthetic Metal, 2020, 260: 116268.Impact Factor: 3.286
[27]Huan Huang, Lei Yan, Yi Guo, Hai Lan Lin, Lin Chen, Qi Fan Jia, Jun Bian*, Yun Lu. Morphological, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of PA6 Nanocomposites Co-Incorporated with Nano-Al2O3 and Graphene Oxide Fillers. Polymer, 2020, 188: 122119.Impact Factor: 4.231
[28]Zhengjun Wang, Chen Lin, Huan Huang, Yi Guo, Hailan Lin,Jun Bian*, Zhijie Gu. Mechanical Properties and Morphologies of Polypropylene Composites Synergistically reinforced-toughened by Styrene-Butadiene Rubber and Graphene Oxide Nanosheets,Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,2020, 33 (3): 413-431.
[29] Yi Guo, Lei Yan, Zhu Zeng, Lin Chen, Mingxue Ma, Rui Luo, Jun Bian*, Hailan Lin, Daiqiang Chen. Mechanical and Shape Memory Properties of TPU/PLA Nanocomposites fabricated via Phase Morphology Control and Incorporation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Nanofillers,Polymer Engineering and Science, 2020, 60 (6): 1118-1128.Impact Factor: 1.917
[30] Lin Chen, Jiao Huang, Lei Yan, Hai Lan Lin, Yi Guo, Zhao Xin Zhang, Xun Tao Zhang, Jun Bian*. Mechanical, thermal, and dielectric properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites fabricated by introducing functional MWCNTs/barium titanate compounding dielectric nanofillers [J]. Polymer Composites. 2021, 42 (3):1383-1395. Impact Factor: 3.531.
[31]Huan Huang, Zhao Xin Zhang, Xun Tao Zhang, Lei Yan, Shang Ke Yang, Liu Xin Xiao, Hai Lan Lin, Jun Bian*, Dai Qiang Chen. A facile strategy to improve the mechanical and thermal conductivity of PA6 nanocomposites by introducing graphene oxide/sodium benzoate compounding nucleator [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2021,139 (10) DOI:10.1002/app.51761. Impact Factor: 2.904.
[32] Lei Yan, Tanghong Xiong, Zhaoxin Zhang, Han Yang, Xuntao Zhang, Yang He, Jun Bian*, Hailan Lin, Daiqiang Chen. Comparative study on TPU/multi‑walled carbon nanotubes conductive nanocomposites for volatile organic compounds sensor applications [J]. Journal of Polymer Research, 2021, 28 (9): 350. DOI: 10.1007/s10965-021-02717-5. Impact Factor: 3.061.
[33] Zhang XT, Yang J, Yan L, Zhang ZX, Bian J*, Lin HL, Chen DQ. Morphological, mechanical, and thermal properties of polyurethane nanocomposites co-incorporated with micro-Al2O3/nano-Al2O3 for flexible thermal conductive component applications [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2022, 139 (39): e52938. Impact Factor: 2.904.
[34] Shang Ke Yang, Zhao Xin Zhang, Ai Ping Zhang, Hai Lan Lin, Xun Tao Zhang, Liu Xin Xiao, Jun Bian*, Dai Qiang Chen. Preparation and properties of polyimide dielectric nanocomposites containing polyvinylpyrrolidone chemically functionalized barium titanate by in-situ synthesis compounding [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 139 (48), e53231. Impact Factor: 2.904.
[35] Zhao Xin Zhang, Shang Ke Yang, Jun Wei Shen, Jia Yang, Jun Bian*, Ai Ping Zhang, Hai Lan Lin, Dai Qiang Chen. Enhanced mechanical, thermal and dielectric properties of polyimide nanocomposites containing SiCp (SiCw) nanofillers for high Energy-storage applications [J]. Journal of Polymer Research, 2022, 29 (11): 1-14.Impact Factor: 3.061.
[36] Yan L, Xiong T H, Zhang Z X, Bian J *, et al. Facile preparation of TPU conductive nanocomposites containing polypyrrole-coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes for a rapid and selective response in volatile organic compounds applications [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 157: 106913-106922. Impact Factor: 9.463.
[37] Zhang, AP; Li, XK; Lin, HL; Zhang, ZX; Yang, SK; Zhang, XT; Xiao, LX; Bian, J *; Chen, DQ. Polyimide dielectric nanocomposites containing functional nanofillers based on multilayer structure: Design, preparation, and properties [J]. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2023, 63(2): 562-573. DOI10.1002/pen.26229.
[38] Li, XK; Shen, JW; Lin, HL; Zhang, ZX; Zhang, XT; Bian, J*; Chen, DQ. Simulation, design and synthesis of polybenzoxazine with different main-chain structures and properties: A comparative study [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023, 140 (19): DOI10.1002/app.53829.
[39] Li, XK; Jiang, B; Wei, C; Lin, HL; Zhao, W; Ni, KY; Mu, YX; Bian, J*; Chen, DQ. High-performance main-chain polybenzoxazine composites by incorporating multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different surfacial structure: Mechanical properties, thermal stability and mechanisms [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023, DOI10.1002/app.54482.
[40] Li, XK; Jiang, B; Wei, C; Lin, HL; Zhao, W;Ni, KY; Mu, YX; Bian, J*; Chen, DQ. Mechanical properties, thermal stability, and mechanism of main-chain polybenzoxazine composites fabricated based on multi-scale effects and surface functionalization of graphene oxide nanosheets [J].Polymer Composites, 2023, DOI 10.1002/pc.27595. [41] Keyang Ni, Shangke Yang,Siyi Jing,Jun Bian*,Rui Luo, Xinkang Li, Hailan Lin, Daiqiang Chen. Preparation and properties of polyvinylidene fluoride dielectric nanocomposites for energy storage applications through synergistic addition of ionic liquid modified graphene oxide nanosheets and functionalized barium titanate hybrid fillers [J]. Polymer Composites. 2024, 1-14. doi:10.1002/pc.28252. [42] Wei Zhao, Hai Lan Lin, Yi Guo, Tong Tong Jin, Xin Kang Li, Shang Ke Yang, Ai Ping Zhang, Jun Bian*, Dai Qiang Chen. TPU/EVA shape memory composites with improved properties fabricated via synergic incorporation of EVA-g-MAH compatibilizer and functional graphene oxide nanosheets [J]. Journal of Polymer Research, 2024, Doi:10.1007/s10965-024-03929-1. [43]Ke Yang Ni, Zhao Xin Zhang, Ai Ping Zhang, Jun Bian*, Xin Kang Li, Cong Wei, Hai Lan Lin,Dai Qiang Chen.Polyimide nanocomposites for high-temperature capacitive energy storage applications by incorporating functional graphene oxide nanosheets: Design, preparation, and mechanism [J] Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024, e55704. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.55704. [44] Ke Yang Ni, Wei Zhao, Jun Bian*, Xin Kang Li, Ke Cheng Yang, Si Yi Jing, Cong Wei, Hai Lan Lin, Dai Qiang Chen. Polyetherimide nanocomposite with enhanced mechanical, thermal and dielectric properties by incorporating synergistically exfoliated-chemical functionalization induced hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets [J]. Polymer Composites, 2024; 1-17. doi:10.1002/pc.28634. [45] Xin Kang Li, Ai Ping Zhang, Jun Bian*, Ke Yang Ni, Wei Zhao, Ke Cheng Yang, Hai Lan Lin, Dai Qiang Chen. Progress on the simulation, synthesis, processing and application of high performance thermosetting polybenzoxazine resin and its composites: A review [J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2024, 192:108506-108524. [46] Wei Zhao, Aiping Zhang, Xinkang Li, Hai Lan Lin, Keyang Ni, Jun Bian*, Siyi Jing, Ke Cheng Yang, Shangke Yang, Cuihua Liu, Daiqiang Chen. Synergetic control of multi-level interface structure of basalt fibers by plasma and chemical functionalization to enhance the mechanical, thermal and interfacial performances of PBZ composites [J]. Polymer Composites, 2024, 1-17. doi:10.1002/pc.28933. [47] Ai Ping Zhang, Wei Zhao, Xin Kang Li, Jun Bian*, Ke Yang Ni, Ke Cheng Yang, Hai Lan Lin, Dai Qiang Chen. Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Benzoxazine Copolymers for Anti-Corrosion Coating Applications Based on Improved High Crosslinking Density and Hydrophobicity [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2025, e56576, https://doi.org/10.1002/app.56576. [48] Wei Zhao, Ai Ping Zhang, Xin Kang Li, Jun Bian*, Shang Ke Yang, Ke Yang Ni,Ke Cheng Yang, Hai Lan Lin , Dai Qiang Chen. Novel flexible polyether segment polybenzoxazine shape memory nanocomposites reinforced by incorporating functionalized carbon nanotubes [J]. Composites Part B, 2025, 292 112104-112117.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.112104. [49] Shang Ke Yang, Yan Xiao Mu, De Li, Tong Li, Hai Lan Lin, Ai Ping Zhang, Jun Bian*, Dai Qiang Chen, Ke Cheng Yang. Degradable Thermoplastic Polyurethane Achieved through Dynamic Imine Bond-Containing Biobased Chain Extenders Incorporating to Regulate Microstructures [J]. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.4c04087. . 代表性EI/CSCD收录论文:
发明专利 [1]孟跃中,卞军,肖敏,杜风光,王拴紧,王晓锦,徐艳。一种用于由甲醇和二氧化碳直接催化合成碳酸二甲酯的催化剂及其制备和使用方法。专利号:ZL 200710031006.5 [2]卞军,蔺海兰,何飞雄,王刚,李丝丝,周强,周醒,王正君,肖文强。丙烯树脂基纳米复合材料及其制备方法。申请号或专利号:ZL201510300751.X。 [3]卞军,蔺海兰,周强,肖文强,周醒,王正君。一种聚苯乙烯树脂基复合材料及其制备方法。申请号或专利号:ZL 201510976351.0。 [4]卞军,王刚,蔺海兰,周醒,王正君。氨基酸修饰的填料及制备高密度聚乙烯树脂基纳米复合材料的方法。申请号或专利号:ZL201610543266.X。 [5]卞军,王刚,蔺海兰,周醒,王正君。高密度聚乙烯树脂基纳米复合材料及其制备方法。申请号或专利号:ZL 201610547518.6。 [6]卞军,周醒,蔺海兰,王正君,肖文强。石墨烯-二氧化硅杂化材料及制备聚氨酯基纳米复合材料的方法。申请号或专利号:ZL201610587443.4。 [7]卞军,蔺海兰,周醒,王正君,肖文强。石墨烯-聚乙烯醇杂化材料及制备聚氨酯树脂基复合材料的方法。申请号或专利号:ZL201610587353.5。 [8]卞军,黄欢,蔺海兰,白涛,陈林,郭怡,严磊,复合成核剂及包含该复合成核剂的尼龙复合材料及制备方法,申请号或专利号:201811307127.2。 [9]卞军,肖文强,蔡旭光。插层改性氧化石墨烯填料及制备PBT复合材料的方法,申请号或专利号:201810999566.8。
教材、专著 [1]卞军,蔺海兰主编. 《塑料成型原理与工艺》,第一版,西南交通大学出版社,2015年8月,ISSN 号:978-7-5643-4199-2. [2] 卞军,蔺海兰主编. 《聚合物共混改性基础》,第一版,西南交通大学出版社,2018年1月,ISBN 号:978-7-5643-5962-1.
教育教学改革项目 [1] 材料科学与工程四川省特色专业(350VIP浦京集团)综合改革项目,四川省级,2009-至今,项目参与人,在研 [2] 四川省材料科学与工程卓越工程师(350VIP浦京集团)建设项目,四川省级,2013-至今,项目参与人,在研 [3] 高校公共选修课新型教学模式的创新与实践,350VIP浦京集团校级一般教改项目,2011-2013,项目负责人,已结题 [4] 基于大学生创新能力培养为目标的多维实践平台建设研究与实践,350VIP浦京集团校级重点教改项目,2015-2017,项目负责人,已结题 [5] 创新创业背景下大材料学科专业综合改革理论与实践,350VIP浦京集团校级重点教改项目,2017-2019,项目负责人,在研 [6]创新创业环境下“大材料学科”专业综合改革与建设实践,350VIP浦京集团校级教学团队项目,2017-2019,项目负责人,在研
教育教学改革成果 [1] 卞军. 鼓励大学生参与科研,培养高素质的创新人才。高等教育研究,2011,28(2):85-90 [2] 卞军. 师生参与式互动模式在复合材料学教学中的应用。350VIP浦京集团多样化应用型人才培养试验区论文集,2012年 [3] 卞军. 高校教师:教学与科研孰为熊掌孰为鱼?教育教学论坛,2013年 [4] 卞军. 高分子材料与工程专业基础实验教学改革探析。教育教学论坛,2014年 [5] 卞军,蔺海兰。以人为本,加强高校师德师风建设,提高育人成效。教育教学论坛,2014,41:32-35 [6] 卞军,蔺海兰. 基于大学生创新能力培养的多维实践平台建设探讨——以350VIP浦京集团为例,中国成人教育,2016年,中文核心 [7] 卞军,丁士华,蔺海兰. 面向大学生创新能力培养的多维实践平台建设理论与实践,当代教育实践与教学研究,2016年,中文核心 [8] 卞军. 《塑料成型工艺学》课程研究型教学模式的探索与实践,教育教学论坛,2018年
2011.12 获350VIP浦京集团“唐鸿军奖教金”二等奖 2012.10 350VIP浦京集团优秀教学成果奖二等奖(排名第四) 2013.09 获350VIP浦京集团“科研工作突出贡献奖” 2014.05 获350VIP浦京集团第四届青年教师讲课比赛 优胜奖 2014.05 入选350VIP浦京集团首批“青年学者培养计划” 2015.04 被评为350VIP浦京集团辛勤园丁 2016.08 被评为“四川省海外高层次留学人才” 2016.07 350VIP浦京集团第四届优秀教学成果奖二等奖(排名第一) 2016.09 被评为350VIP浦京集团“我最喜爱的老师” 2017.03入选350VIP浦京集团“教学师资支持计划” 2017.06 获350VIP浦京集团“唐立新优秀学者奖” 2017.12 被评为350VIP浦京集团优秀共产党员 2019.01 获350VIP浦京集团第一届教师教学技能大赛二等奖 2021.09 被评为350VIP浦京集团“我最喜爱的老师” 提名奖 2021.11 350VIP浦京集团第五届优秀教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一) |
2009-至今Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Composites Science and Technology, Polymer Engineering and Science, Catalysis Communications, Polymer Composites, Journal of Polymer Engineering,《复合材料学报》,《材料导报》等国际国内期刊的审稿人 2011-至今美国纳米协会(American Nano Society)成员 2015-至今中文核心期刊《弹性体》编委会成员